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Matt Flinner

Mandolin Chord & Rhythm Intensive Curriculum (8/21-9/21)





“Thanks for the terrific class! I had my mandolin lurking in the corner for 9 months before I took this class. I played with it now and then but felt out of my depth, having only played piano in the past. A few weeks into your class, I couldn’t put down my mandolin, practicing far more than my kids want me to. In addition to the wonderful tunes we learned in class, I started to pick out other melodies like Christmas carols, simple gifts, harry potter, star wars; anything I hear I want to find it on the mandolin.”—Randy R.





“Your classes are the best and most successful learning approach for me, Thank you.”—-Eric B.  







Register for the Mandolin Chord and Rhythm Intensive course with Matt Flinner


See the Bluegrass Jamming II Curriculum (August 19-September 21)

See the Mandolin Tune Studios II Curriculum (August 20-September 21)


This course is intended to help students with playing rhythm—something we do all the time when we play with other people, but tend to neglect in our practice!  Various styles of rhythm will be touched on, including folk, bluegrass, swing and blues.  Students will be given practical guides to playing in various keys using a variety of chord styles and shapes (open chords, chop chords, 7th chords, 3-note chords, etc.) to be able to approach playing rhythm in various styles and settings.  Chord progressions to four songs will be given each week, and students will explore applying the various styles of chords while looking at smooth chord movement, basslines and voice leading in various rhythms.  It’s a great way to learn more about the fretboard while getting some practical guides to accompaniment.  The course is intended for players of all ability levels (though absolute beginners will likely find it too difficult)  who want to expand their possibilities in rhythm playing.  

Class sessions meet on Wednesday evenings at 9 pm eastern time, and practice/review sessions meet on  Saturdays at 12:30 pm eastern time.  Students are encouraged to attend the live sessions (via Zoom), but all sessions are recorded and uploaded to a class website so that students can review them any time if they are unable to attend the sessions.  



Register for the Mandolin Chord and Rhythm Intensive course



Here is the curriculum:


WEEK 1 (August 21)

Basic Folk & bluegrass rhythm styles in G and A

Open chords

Chop chords

Adding basslines

Billy Gray

I’m Troubled

Winter’s Come and Gone

Louis Collins


WEEK 2 (September 4)


Waltz rhythm

Using 3-note major chords

The Cowboy’s Lament

The Storms Are on the Ocean

And the Band Played Waltzing Mathilda

No Ash Will Burn


WEEK 3 (September 11)

Minor Keys

Open Minor Chords

3-Note Minor Chords

Minor basslines

Look Up Look Down that Lonesome Road

The L&N Don’t Stop Here Anymore 

The Thrill Is Gone



WEEK 4 (September 18)

More complex chord progressions

More chord inversion movement

Using a variety of styles: folk, bluegrass, swing, blues

Make Me a Pallet on Your Floor

Corrina, Corrina

Peach Picking Time in Georgia

Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning


The course fee is $125. 

Register for the Chord and Rhythm Intensive course with Matt Flinner

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