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Matt Flinner

Scale and Arpeggio Intensive with Matt Flinner Curriculum (6/22-7/24)




“I’ve participated in many online learning programs, but so far, your format is the best I’ve ever seen. I am so pleased I happened upon your courses.”—Gina M.



“I’ve practiced more in two weeks than I have in months!  Really enjoying how it’s going.”—Donna O.



“I have to say that making everything available online is a great convenience for me. Being able to stop and return to a more challenging exercise or a newer phrase is great for learning. I also really appreciate your availability to answer questions offline. This is a great course, and I feel as though I’m improving daily because of it.”—Joe C.






Register for the Scale and Arpeggio Intensive with Matt Flinner


See the Bluegrass Jamming curriculum (June 21-July 24)

See the Mandolin Chord and Rhythm Intensive curriculum (June 23-July 24)



The Scale and Arpeggio Intensive course is intended to give students a more solid understanding of the fretboard while getting ideas of the “tools” used in soloing and improvisation.  Each week, students will be given a handful of exercises using various types of scales and arpeggios in various keys, along with a tune from either the bluegrass or swing/jazz repertoire as a vehicle for using ideas from that week’s exercises in creating solos.  The goal is to help students gain a better understanding of how music works, and to get ideas to help them advance more quickly and have more fun playing with others.  The course is intended for students at an intermediate to advanced level.  

Classes meet every Tuesday from June 22 to July 20 (with the week of July 7 off due to Matt’s tour schedule) at 9 pm eastern time, with practice/review sessions every Saturday from June 26 to July 24 at 11 am eastern time.  Students are encouraged to attend the live sessions, but will be able to view the sessions afterwards on the class website in the event they cannot attend live.  




WEEK 1 (June 22)

The Circle of Fifths

Major Scales in All Keys

Major Scale and Pattern in Thirds I

Major Arpeggio Exercise I

Major Arpeggio Exercise II

Sally Gooden as Improv Landscape


WEEK 2 (June 29)

Mixolydian Scales in All Keys

Mixolydian Scale Exercise I

Major Scales in Thirds II

Dominant 7 Arpeggio Exercise I

Dominant 7 Arpeggios from the 3rd

Alabama Jubilee as Improv Landscape


WEEK 3 (July 13)

The Modes

Dorian Scales in All Keys

Dorian Scale Pattern I

Minor 7 Arpeggio Exercise I

Using Alternate Chord Tones

So What as Improv Landscape


WEEK 4 (July 20)

The ii-V-I

Dorian, Mixolydian and Major Scales in a Chord Progression

ii-V-I Arpeggio Exercises

Some More Scale Patterns

Chord Tones as Target Notes in ii-V-Is

Sweet Sue as Improv Landscape


The course fee is $125.  

Register for the Scale and Arpeggio Intensive course 

2 comments on “Scale and Arpeggio Intensive with Matt Flinner Curriculum (6/22-7/24)

  1. Sheila S Lagrand says:

    I enrolled in the Scale and Arpeggio Intensive. Could you please confirm the first date of the Saturday practice/review sessions? Is it June 26? Thank you!

    • Hi Sheila,

      That is correct. The first class session will be Tuesday, June 22, at 9 pm eastern time, and the practice/review session for that week will take place Saturday, June 26, at 11 am eastern time.
      Welcome to the class! Let me know if you have any other questions.

      Thank you!

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