“I’ve participated in many online learning programs, but so far, your format is the best I’ve ever seen. I am so pleased I happened upon your courses.”—Gina M.
“Your classes are moving me forward so very much. Thank you.” —Jean C.
“It was nice there were various assignments which pushed my ability. Never felt I had “mastered” ALL the homework so never got bored. Always something to work on or do next.”—Joe S.
Register for Advanced Bluegrass Mandolin Soloing with Matt Flinner
See the Bluegrass Mandolin 101 with Matt Flinner curriculum (1/4-3/6)
See the Newgrass Mandolin with Matt Flinner curriculum (1/6-3/6)
Join Grammy-nominated mandolinist Matt Flinner for a look into the mandolin styles of many of the bluegrass masters: Bill Monroe, Jesse McReynolds, Doyle Lawson, Adam Steffey and many others. Each week, students will look at two recorded solos by one of the greats, along with some related exercises to help both improve technique and find ways of using melodic ideas in other solos.
The course is recommended for intermediate to advanced players.
Week 1 (1/5)
Bill Monroe
Melodic Pattern I
Chord Tone Exercise in a Few Keys
Rhythms using down-strokes
Picking Exercise I
Travelin’ Down this Lonesome Road
In Despair
Week 2 (1/12)
Doyle Lawson
Melodic development in a couple of positions
A few triplet licks
Picking Exercise II
Chord Tone Exercise II
Mighty Mississippi
Redwood Hill
Week 3 (1/19)
Bobby Osborne
A few syncopated bluegrass licks
Switching positions in various keys
Open style double stop licks
My Cabin in Caroline
Once More
Some in-between tunes:
Ira Louvin: Let Her Go, God Bless Her
Nate Bray: East Virginia Blues
Week 4 (2/2)
Roland White
Slides within positions
Double Stop Exercise II
Connecting chord tones with chromatic runs
If I Should Wander Back Tonight
Head Over Heels
Week 5 (2/9)
Buck White
Picking Exercise III
Closed position playing
Connecting double stops
Each Season Changes You
Buck’s Run
Week 6 (2/16)
Jesse McReynolds
Crosspicking Exercises I and II
Double stops up the neck in the keys of G and F
How to create crosspicking solos
Where the Soul Never Dies
Better Times a-Coming
Week 7 (2/23)
David McLaughlin
More licks in chop chord position
Shifting between positions continued
Using chord tones in soloing
Unwanted Love
Long Journey Home
Week 8 (3/2)
Adam Steffey
Picking Exercise IV
Open strings in various keys
Chromatic runs in B
Every Time You Say Goodbye
No Place to Hide
The course fee is $225.
Register for Advanced Bluegrass Mandolin Soloing with Matt Flinner